46 Ways How to Save Energy at Home


  1. Keep all the doors and windows tightly closed when using your AC.
  2. Clean or change your AC’s air filters once a month.
  3. Check if your AC has a rating or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio of SEER of 15. Open your doors to have the natural air cool your homes.
  4. Check if you have leaks and make sure to replace them.
  5. Close unused air vents.
  6. Plant trees on your backyard for shade.
  7. Use more ceiling fans at home and you can raise the temperature of your thermostat and still feel cool.
  8. Install programmable thermostat to adjust your temperature.


  1. Find local retailers that offer energy-efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs at a discounted price.
  2. Compact fluorescents are more energy-efficient that regular bulbs so just replace your regular bulb and you can have the same amount of lighting with less.
  3. Use the appropriate CFL bulb for your light fixture.
  4. Use motion detector for outdoor lighting. They’re efficient and convenient.
  5. Recycle CFL bulbs.
  6. Use Energy Star products and replace your 5 most-used light fixtures and/or light bulbs.
  7. Use timers to turn lights on in the morning and to turn it off during the day.
  8. Place light-colored or opaque lamps in corners for them to reflect light from two walls at a time.
  9. Install fluorescent tubes for your workshops or playrooms.


  1. Use toaster ovens or microwaves to reheat leftovers.
  2. Set your refrigerator temperature between 30-42 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Repair refrigerator door seals if you feel the cold air around the closed door or if there’s moisture collecting.
  4. Dust your fridge when you clean your house. Cleaning it keeps the costs down.
  5. Keep your freezer full because it uses lesser energy than an empty freezer. If you don’t have anything to put, simply place gallons of water inside.
  6. When buying refrigerators, look for the yellow EnergyGuide label to compare features.
  7. Choose models with improved insulation and power-saving switches.
  8. Wash and dry several loads at once.
  9. Avoid over-drying your clothes.
  10. Separate wash loads into light and heavy fabrics. Or you can simply air-dry the lightest fabrics.
  11. Vent your dryer outside to reduce the work of your AC.
  12. Clean the dryer lint filter before you use the dryer.
  13. Set dishwashers to economy mode.
  14. Use copper-bottomed pots and pans that absorbs heat faster when cooking.
  15. Match the size of your pot to the burner.
  16. Look for EnergyGuide labels.

Water heating

  1. Always wash with cold water.
  2. Check hot water pipes for leaks.
  3. Use aerating, low-flow faucets and showerheads to reduce hot water use.
  4. Insulate the first 6 feet of the hot and cold water pipes connected to the water heater.
  5. Install solar water power.
  6. Set your water heater temperature to 120 degrees.
  7. Install timer for your water heater.


  1. Plug electronics into power strips then turn the strips off when not in use.
  2. Consider using laptops instead of desktop computers.
  3. Set your computer or laptop to sleep or hibernate mode.


  1. Consider high-performance windows before replacing your AC system.
  2. Look for the National Fenestration Rating Council label when shopping for new windows.


  1. Apply reflective coating.
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