15 Tips on How to Save Energy at Home

According the International Energy Outlook 2013, the world’s energy consumption is projected to increase by 56% from 2010 to 2040 especially in countries that are driven by strong long-term economic growth.

Yet, despite the advancement of technology, the question is, is it still possible that we will run out of electricity?

At present, natural resources are exhausted. Thus, it is quite possible that humans will suffer from energy poverty. With the way our electricity is made at present time, humans do not have much control on how to use it. Natural resources such as fossil fuels are running out and relying on nuclear fuels for electricity is totally not a good idea since nuclear factories produce tons of waste products that are bad to environmental health.

Here are the 15 tips on how humans can contribute their part in energy shortage, and how they can save energy at home:

  1. Turn off the light when not in use, that is when leaving the house or the room.
  2. Use fluorescent light bulbs over incandescent lights since they used up lesser energy. Keep the bulbs and fixtures clean since dirt can increase output of lights.
  3. Buy home appliances with energy-saving labels since they can save up energy up to 50%.
  4. Clean the air conditioner filter once per quarter. Otherwise, it reduces airflow.
  5. Cook food using microwave oven than in conventional oven. However, for small quantities of food, use oven toaster since they use much less energy.
  6. Don’t rely on your car. If it is just a few kilometers walk, consider walking or biking.
  7. Do not charge cellular batteries unless they are fully empty. This is damaging to cellphones and consumes much more energy.
  8. Turn off the laptop when not in use for a long time. Activate the hibernate or sleep mode instead.
  9. Invest in laptop over standard computers since they take up up to 90% less energy.
  10. When printing school papers, use inkjet printers over laser printers.
  11. Limit the use of portable heaters since spot heating can be expensive.
  12. Opt for opaque or dark-colored lamp shades. They eat up less energy.
  13. Keep your freezer full. Such is an energy-saver than the one that is empty. Keep refrigerator in proper order to allow efficient operation and sufficient airflow. Tip: Chest type freezers are more energy-efficient.
  14. If possible, do not dry clothes. Not only drying wrinkle clothing but also wastes energy.
  15. Check for malfunctions and leaks. Any leaking household appliance takes up more energy and emits more greenhouse gases.
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