Interior Design and Decoration Tips For Your Small Home

Making your home a more conducive living space not only depends on available interior space but also factors in the choice of colors and materials to make it a warm, convivial place.

Softer, lighter colors can help make a small room feel larger.

Just like mirrors that accentuate space and make a small room feel larger, the use of lighter color, whether from natural sunlight or interior paint can also make a small room feel large. In contrast, darker colors create an illusion of smaller living space.

Use rugs to create an accent on hardwood floors.

While you try to adopt a certain theme and aim to use a consistent tone such as matching furniture and wooden floor space, throw rugs often add warmth and create texture and personality to your living space. Depending on season or occasion these rugs can be replaced to allow living space to portray a warm or cool personality.

Save space with cheap, elegant wicker baskets

Wicker baskets can complement the interior theme of space-conscious places at home such as the bathroom. Wicker baskets are an economical way to add storage for towels, laundry, tissue paper, or toiletries without disrupting the overall look and feel.

Add plants to your living space.

Typically placed in a corner, plants convey green living, add color and texture, and provide air purifying and humidity balancing characteristics. Bamboo palm, tiger plant, snake plant, or asparagus fern are a few examples.

Use contrasting cushion colors to complement your sofa.

Having both sofa and cushion adopt the same color may look dull, but using contrasting colors helps create a good accent.

Use lamps inside the bedroom.

Instead of a typical indoor lamp, using lampshades inside the bedroom helps create a more cozy atmosphere and more inviting for a restful sleep.

You can save energy by choosing a specific lighting system.

Your kitchen, for example, can utilize low-wattage lighting specific to certain parts of the kitchen, adding a flair of cozy dining experience while saving energy costs on lighting while working on certain parts of the kitchen (cooking, baking, dishwashing, etc.)

Create breathing space for furniture.

Avoid overcrowding a room by stuffing all available space with something that fits — CD rack, vertical speaker or lampshade. Allow space for maneuverability and avoid accidents at home especially those with small square footage.

Storage is key in a small home

Use furniture that doubles as storage, like ottomans with hidden compartments or beds with built-in drawers. You can also use vertical space by adding shelves or hanging organizers on walls. Don’t forget to use your walls for storage. Install shelves or cabinets high up on the wall to maximize vertical space. You can also use wall-mounted hooks or racks for hanging items like bags or jackets.

Keep it light and bright

Use light and neutral colors on walls and floors to make your space feel bigger and brighter. Avoid dark and heavy colors that can make a small room feel cramped.

Use mirrors

Mirrors can create the illusion of more space by reflecting light and giving the impression of depth. Place a mirror opposite a window to bounce natural light around the room. Hanging curtains higher than the window or using tall floor lamps can create the illusion of height. Using a large area rug can also make a room feel more expansive.

Use of multipurpose furniture

Invest in furniture that can serve multiple functions. A sofa bed, for example, can double as a guest bed. A foldable dining table can also serve as a workspace.

Embrace minimalism

Keep clutter to a minimum in a small home. Stick to essential furniture and decor and avoid too many knick-knacks. This will help keep your space feeling open and airy. Avoid clutter and choose simple, clean-lined furniture and decor. Stick to one or two patterns in your textiles to avoid overwhelming the space.

Create zones

Use area rugs or furniture placement to define different zones within a small space. For example, a rug and sofa can create a living area, while a table and chairs can define a dining area. Incorporate natural elements like plants to add life to your small space. Plants also help purify the air and add a pop of color.